
Does hopefully need a comma
Does hopefully need a comma

does hopefully need a comma

Is it "between you and me" or "between you and I"? How do I indicate possession when something belongs to two people? Should I use a or an before this word, acronym, or initialism? Looking for books about grammar, style and conventions? Check out our list of resources. Every top-level comment must accurately answer OP's question and provide a thoughtful, knowledgeable explanation based on evidence. What do you think of the use of sentence adverbs in fiction and nonfiction writing? Was the adverbs list above helpful or do you have any suggestions? Do you have any additional sentence adverbs examples to share? Share your thoughts in the comments below./r/grammar is a friendly and knowledgeable community dedicated to helping posters with questions about grammar, language, style, conventions and punctuation. As with any words in writing, my greatest tip is to remember not to overuse sentence adverbs in any single blog or story. Despite what some people may tell you, even hopefully is not necessarily among the lazy and weak words to avoid in writing. If you have ever used an adverb at the beginning of a sentence in order to modify the entire sentence (and not just the verb), then you have successfully used sentence adverbs. Even the Associated Press Stylebook, which once rejected the use of hopefully as a sentence adverb, now accepts it as grammatically correct. However, hopefully appears in all kinds of writing, and you can even find it in the dictionary as meaning “I hope” or “it is to be hoped.” While certain individuals might nitpick and even argue with you over its use, hopefully is a generally acceptable sentence adverb, especially in plain language pieces. Some people profess that the use of hopefully is indicative of lazy writing and makes the meaning of the sentence unclear. This is one of those grammar myths that is not necessarily true. If you happen to know anyone who is a bit of a grammar snob, he or she might tell you that it is incorrect to use hopefully as a sentence adverb. The main qualification for identifying a sentence adverb is whether it modifies the whole sentence. If you look carefully, you will notice that not all of the adverbs on this list end in -ly. Here is an adverbs list of the most commonly used ones: Actually There are many different sentence adverbs that are usable at the beginning of a sentence.

does hopefully need a comma

In this sentence, the adverb thankfully applies to the entire sentence and not just the verb.

#Does hopefully need a comma free#

Thankfully, the lower roads were free of snow and ice on our drive over.

does hopefully need a comma

In this sentence, carefully is an adverb modifying the verb considered. – She carefully considered whether proper grammar should dictate her future friendships. This type of adverb usually ends in – ly and is often followed by a comma. So what is a sentence adverb? Whereas an adverb typically modifies the verb of a sentence, a sentence adverb is an adverb that appears usually at the beginning of a sentence and modifies the sentence as a whole.

does hopefully need a comma

Incidentally, many prolific writers find themselves using sentence adverbs more often than they realize. Although there is some debate as to whether or not adverbs weaken writing, there is likely to come a time, whether you are writing a journalistic article or a short story, that you will need to use an adverb. I personally love the use of adverbs at certain times to further clarify the action of a sentence, especially when taking on a creative writing project.

Does hopefully need a comma